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Showing posts from August, 2013

On a Mission for a Vision #SAVMP

I use to wonder if people cared about having a vision. Do people really think about it? Or, was it that thing that we (our committee) spent hours thinking up, but could never remember or refer to? There are all kinds of quotes that support having a vision, like: "Where there is no vision, the people perish."  Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, there is no hope.  -  George Washington Carver "It’s not what the vision is, it’s what the vision does." -   Senge "A true leader is one who designs the cathedral and then shares the vision that inspires others to build it." -  Jan Carlzon  As a new administrator I have to confess that having a vision was not at the top of my list. Being in a new school and  a rookie to the job, I thought that I could simply work on the short term goals that had been set out for me. Looking back I can see that achievements and strides were made, but I had no real foresight. To be honest, I wa...

Why Am I An Educator? #SAVMP

This is such a heart filled question. How can I truly express this childhood passion? I know that for some people, being an educator is an important job that they pour their hearts into, but in the end it's "just a job". Once a colleague of mine told me that there is more to life than school and that this job is not who we are. I completely disagree with that. For me being an educator is a calling. This job is part of who I am. It is an honor and a privilege to work with children and teenagers on a daily basis. I guess that I should be quoting some famous author, thinker, or innovator, about greatness in education, but I can't.   Three things come to mind: Ms. Lewis, my school experience and stewardship. Ms. Lewis was my kindergarten teacher and one of the most extraordinary people that I have ever met. She ran our class with respect and dignity; she exposed us to the world in a creative manner, but most of all she loved and cared for the entire class. Ms. L...